My Story

Hi there!

Thank you for taking a look around our little shop here at Bowmanbuilt. My name is Tom and I am responsible for all of the builds that get shipped out to our customers. I came to woodworking several years ago while living with my wife, Whitney and two dogs, Scooter and Millie in Des Moines, IA. Having never built a thing in my life, I dove head first into the construction of a two story 250 sq ft man shed. The rest as they say is history.

When my Dad became ill with cancer in 2017 we knew that family was first and left our home of 15 years to be near family while he fought and ultimately won his battle with Hodgkins. It was during my two year stay in Minnesota that my woodworking began to flourish, having access to a detached 2400 sq ft shop. The cornerstones of my identity are my christian faith, living my best life through a 12 step recovery program and my passion for bringing joy to my customers through my woodworking.

In October 2019, Whitney, Scooter, Millie and I sold the vast majority of our belongings and headed south for warmer climates to Dallas, TX, where we currently live. I work for a large software company and Whitney remodeling services firm. Scooter and Millie are content to boss the squirrels around.

Thank you again for taking a look around. We look forward to working with you on your next special project.

With love and service.
